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Blogs from April, 2018


There are fewer motorcycles than any other vehicles on California’s public highways. Even so, motorcycle accidents account for 14% of traffic fatalities, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. So, while motorcyclists are the smallest group of drivers, they have the highest accident death rate out of all drivers. If you enjoy riding your motorcycle, here are few common causes of motorcycle accidents you should be aware of before your next ride.

Negligence of Other Drivers: Car and truck drivers have been guilty of being negligent and causing motorcycle accidents. The most common reckless behavior other drivers do is changing lanes without signaling. In addition, drivers may also lose track of motorcyclists in traffic. This means motorcyclists are at risk of being swiped or hit by drivers who aren’t paying attention to their surroundings.

Defective Parts: Motorcycles are less durable than larger vehicles and require more maintenance. Sometimes the manufacturer will produce bikes with defective parts that do not become noticeable until they cause an actual accident. In addition, auto repair shops may mishandle or lie about the services they performed on your vehicle. It is possible to sue for defective parts if you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident as a result.

Lane splitting: The state of California has laws in place that allow motorcyclists to lane split, or drive between two lanes of slow moving traffic. Should a motorcyclist be struck by a vehicle while legally lane splitting, the driver of the vehicle could be found liable for damages caused by the accident.

If you’ve sustained a serious injury in a motorcycle accident due to another driver’s negligence, make sure to get in contact with an attorney. The experienced motorcycle accident lawyers at Needham Kepner & Fish, LLP can help discuss your legal options and work to get you compensation to pay for your medical costs. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
