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Blogs from February, 2024


The legal industry can be complicated and confusing for those unfamiliar with it. With different legal terms and jargon being thrown around, it can be intimidating trying to communicate with an attorney. However, it is essential to know some of the most commonly used legal terms to effectively communicate with your lawyer and understand the legal proceedings that are taking place.

1. Affidavit

An affidavit is a written statement made under oath. It is commonly used in court proceedings to present evidence. The person making the statement swears to the truthfulness of its contents and is subject to the penalties of perjury if found to be lying.

2. Deposition

A deposition is a pretrial process in which the opposing party’s lawyer can ask you questions about the case under oath. It can be conducted in person or remotely, and a court reporter records the questions and answers. Depositions gather information and evidence that may be useful for trial.

3. Discovery

Discovery is a legal process where both parties exchange information and evidence about the case. This can include documents, witness statements, and expert opinions. Discovery helps both sides gain a better understanding of the case and can also lead to settlement negotiations.

4. Litigation

Litigation is the process of taking a legal dispute to court for resolution. This can happen when two parties cannot agree, and a judge or jury is needed to decide. Litigation can be time-consuming and expensive, so many lawyers prefer to settle cases outside court if possible.

5. Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations is a legal deadline for filing a lawsuit. This varies by state and type of case, and failure to file within the time limit can result in the case being dismissed. It is essential to know the statute of limitations for your case so you don’t miss the window for filing.

San Jose Attorneys Serving the Bay Area

Contact Needham Kepner & Fish LLP today at (408) 716-1668 to schedule a consultation. Our dedicated team will guide you through the legal process and ensure that your rights are protected.
