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Blogs from September, 2024

Nursing Home

As our loved ones age, we want to ensure they receive the best care possible. Unfortunately, elder neglect is a harsh reality in nursing homes across the country. It's crucial for us to be aware of the different types of neglect that can occur so we can advocate for our elderly family members and ensure they are receiving the proper care and attention they deserve.

1. Physical Neglect:

Physical neglect occurs when a nursing home fails to provide adequate care for an elderly resident's physical needs. This can include insufficient food or water, failing to assist with personal hygiene, or not addressing medical issues promptly. Signs of physical neglect may include unexplained weight loss, dehydration, poor hygiene, untreated medical conditions, and bedsores. It's essential to monitor your loved one's physical well-being closely when they are in a nursing home to ensure they are receiving the proper care.

2. Emotional Neglect:

Emotional neglect is just as harmful as physical neglect but often more challenging to detect. This type of neglect occurs when a nursing home fails to provide emotional support and companionship to residents. Signs of emotional neglect may include withdrawal from social activities, depression, anxiety, or changes in behavior. Family members need to communicate regularly with their loved ones in nursing homes and pay attention to any changes in mood or behavior that could indicate emotional neglect.

3. Medical Neglect:

Medical neglect occurs when a nursing home fails to provide adequate medical care for its residents. This can include not administering medication as prescribed, not seeking prompt medical attention for injuries or illnesses, or ignoring symptoms of serious health conditions. Signs of medical neglect may include:

  • Untreated infections.
  • Medication errors.
  • Worsening health conditions without intervention.
  • Delays in seeking medical treatment for emergencies.

Family members must stay informed about their loved one's medical needs and advocate for them if they suspect any form of medical neglect.

4. Financial Exploitation:

Financial exploitation is a type of elder abuse that involves taking advantage of an elderly person's finances for personal gain. This can occur in nursing homes through staff members stealing money or belongings from residents, pressuring residents into signing over their assets or charging exorbitant fees for services. Signs of financial exploitation may include unexplained withdrawals from bank accounts, missing personal belongings, sudden changes in financial status, or unpaid bills despite having sufficient funds available.

5. Social Neglect:

Social neglect occurs when a nursing home fails to provide opportunities for social interaction and engagement with other residents and staff members. This can lead to isolation and loneliness among elderly residents who crave companionship and connection. Signs of social neglect may include withdrawal from group activities, lack of communication with staff members or other residents, or expressions of loneliness and sadness during visits with family members.

San Jose Elder Neglect Attorney

If you suspect that your loved one is experiencing any form of neglect in a nursing home, it is important to seek legal guidance from our team at Needham Kepner & Fish LLP. Your loved one deserves to live in a safe and caring environment, and a skilled attorney can help ensure that their rights are protected. Don't hesitate to reach out at (408) 716-1668 for help if you believe your loved one has been neglected in a nursing home.
