Mediation Lawyers in San Jose
What Is Mediation & How Can It Help?
Needham Kepner & Fish is a law firm in the Bay Area that provides effective mediation services. Attorney Craig Needham has more than 40 years of legal experience. He serves as a mediator in wrongful death, medical malpractice, and business disputes. Attorney Anne J. Kepner has over 25 years litigating cases both for the defense and plaintiffs. She is now utilizing her experience and skills to help parties resolve cases through mediation. Let our firm’s highly rated mediation attorneys assist you with your dispute.
Litigation is not the only solution to a legal dispute. Mediation is an alternative that often benefits both parties involved. Instead of spending time and money to go to court, you and the other party may be able to reach an amicable resolution to your dispute. Our San Jose mediation attorneys are neutral mediators. This means that can facilitate discussion and negotiation, expediting your case.
Call us at (408) 716-1668 to learn more about how we can help you reach a solution that everyone can agree on.
What Is Mediation?
Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution. It relies on a neutral third party to oversee the involved parties’ negotiations. From personal injury claims to business disagreements, mediation is often very effective. The process of mediation can save you from extended time in court and thousands of dollars in legal fees. Craig and Anne are experienced trial attorneys and mediators. They often serve as the neutral party to assist in resolving disputes.
A good mediator convinces the parties that through a dispassionate process of give and take, they can arrive at a mutually beneficial settlement. However, the mediator only facilitates the discussion. He or she cannot issue a binding judgment or decision.
How Long Does Mediation Last?
The length of time that mediation may take depends on how complex the situation is and/or the nature of the legal dispute involved. The length of the mediation will also depend on the willingness and understanding of the parties involved. Craig and Anne are experienced mediators. They work effectively and efficiently to assist parties during the resolution process.
What Are the Benefits of Mediation?
If you are involved in a legal dispute, then you should consider speaking to a mediation lawyer. At Needham Kepner & Fish LLP, we will tell you that meditation has many advantages over litigation.
These advantages include:
- Efficiency. Mediation is much faster than litigation. Mediation often resolves a case in a day or less that would have otherwise taken from six months to a year to litigate.
- Affordability. Litigation can become incredibly expensive as a case continues over many months. The costs of mediation, on the other hand, are significantly less. This is especially true if you schedule mediation early in the process. You save money if mediation begins before a significant amount of time and money has been spent on discovery and motion practice.
- Informality. Many people prefer mediation because the sessions take place in an informal setting instead of a courtroom. This is especially popular for personal injury or divorce situations.
- Confidentiality. California law ensures that all communications made in the course of mediation are protected and shall remain confidential. This protection allows for and encourages parties to explore all possibilities to reach a compromise.
Do I Need a Lawyer for Mediation?
When making the decision to hire a lawyer for mediation, make sure that the attorney you choose supports mediation and has experience helping people reach compromises, rather than focusing on one party’s win. It’s important in the mediation process to reach a middle ground and your mediator should understand this. Further, if you’ve got a particular legal issue to deal with, make sure your lawyer is aware or has experience dealing with that specific issue. Some lawyers are trained in mediation and may be a better choice for your legal matter. Having a lawyer who understands that you want to negotiate is key to your success.
If you’re having trouble finding compromise over a legal matter, do your research and contact a mediator to help you successfully negotiate. The lawyers at Needham Kepner & Fish have experience in mediation and can help conflicting parties reach an appropriate compromise.
Serving Clients in San Francisco & Sacramento
At Needham Kepner & Fish, we provide experienced mediation and personal injury services to clients throughout the Bay Area.
To schedule a mediation, call us today at (408) 716-1668 or use our online contact form.